IKERLAN S. Coop. (IKER) is a Spanish private not-for-profit Technology Centre created in 1974, member of the Basque Research Technology Alliance and a technological R&D actor within the Mondragon Corporation. IKERLAN is a point of reference for innovation, dedicated to advanced technology transfer to industry and comprehensive product development (from concept to implementation) for a wide variety of domains: transportation (railway and vertical), automation, industrial, medical, home appliances, etc. IKERLAN works closely with companies to improve their competitiveness, through the application of technological knowledge to develop both innovative products and new tools and methodologies for implementation in design and production processes.
It has a staff of more than 250 qualified researchers and engineers, with experience in interdisciplinary work and capable of tackling complex problems. As a centre of excellence in the transfer of technology, more than 850 R&D projects were completed so far in cooperation with companies developing new products and implementing customised systems in design and manufacturing processes. IKERLAN have been involved in many EU projects as a key activity to acquire the necessary knowledge for IKERLAN’s research lines to transfer technology to its customers. To highlight the active participation of key IKERLAN researchers leading WPs/Tasks in manufacturing- oriented projects such as the H2020 FoF C2NET, CREMA, vf-OS, and ZDMP as well as the ECSEL MANTIS projects. In addition, to mention the IKERLAN’s membership to several European and National platforms and organisations such as MANUFUTURE-EU, EFFRA, ECSEL, INTEROP-VLab, MANU-KET, LOGISTOP.