Manufacturing Quality Data

QualiExplore for Data Quality Factor Knowledge

The web-based software tool for the visualisation of information quality characteristics and quality factors using the Evolutional Data Quality Concept and a Data Life Cycle: data collection, data storage, data analysis, data distribution, data use and data deletion.

Data Quality Guidelines

A complete guide for planning and performing an information flow analysis to identify the relevant data sources, data storages, communication channels and data users, and model relevant factors that influence data quality, including technical (hardware), organisational (human activities), and programmatic factors (in software).

IIoT Security Handler

A cloud service that distributes trust across the architecture using a hardware secure module as trust anchor point. Once the trust is distributed, the software enables the mechanisms to expose cryptography operations that other i4Q Solutions can consume, adjusting security and safety policies at different levels to ensure trustability and privacy of data.

Trusted Networks with Wireless & Wired Industrial Interfaces

A software-defined wireless industrial interfaces for data communication, characterized by predictability and determinism, high reliability and trustability and low consumption, while reducing the installation cost of new-wired infrastructure. i4QTN ensures reliable data collection, providing connectivity to industrial data sources through Trusted Networks able to assess and ensure precision, accuracy, and reliability.

Blockchain Traceability of Data

Provides tools to ensure data trustiness and full traceability, enhancing the level of trust by employing a blockchain based data service, improving trust and acceptability by providing security and trust in the data that flows directly to the blockchain, serving as a single point of truth, preserving provenance and supporting non-repudiation.

Cybersecurity Guidelines

A guide that includes a set of recommendations to enable multilayer cyber security features in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), enabling IIoT devices to interact with industrial platforms securely in all stages in a manufacturing scenario. i4QCSG includes an architecture and methodology to provision signed certificates with Hardware Security Module (HSM) and trusted material to devices’ Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

Data Repository

A distributed storage system for supporting a high degree of digitisation in companies with most manufacturing devices acting as sensors or actuators and generating vast amounts of data. i4QDR is able to absorb large volumes of data coming into the system at high speeds. i4QDR is elastic to adapt the required computing resources to the existing demand and ready to use additional resources, either local to the factory or from remote systems like public or private clouds.

Guidelines for building Data Repositories for Industry 4.0

A guide for building Data Repositories for Industry 4.0, for estimating the storage capabilities and for building systems providing easy ways to access industry data and to communicate with industrial platform components and microservice applications.