DIN Deutsches Institut fuer Normung e. V.

DIN Deutsches Institut fuer Normung e. V. (DIN) (engl. the German Institute for Standardization) is the German national organisation for standardisation. DIN develops standards and specifications as a service to industry, the state and society as a whole. As registered non-profit association, DIN has been based in Berlin since 1917. DIN's primary task is to work closely with its stakeholders to develop consensus-based standards that meet market requirements. Around 32,000 experts from industry, research, the consumer sector and the public domain contribute their skills and experience to the standardisation process. Nowadays, ninety percent of the standards work carried out by DIN is international in nature.
Generally, DIN activities include the preparation of standards and the management of standardisation processes on national, European and International levels. In addition, DIN has been participating in several European research projects in which it has been responsible for the coordination of the standardisation activities. DIN has been active in 16 projects funded by the Seventh Framework Programme, e.g. EASE-R3, AquaVir, SustainValue and iNTeg-Risk and is currently partner to 12 European projects funded by the Horizon2020 Programme, e.g. ZDMP, INBOTS, Coroma, REACH, Progressive, HECTOS, ResiStand, SMR, ...
For the project i4Q, DIN will contribute with its expertise in the field of smart manufacturing and its extensive network to relevant committees, platforms and stakeholders on national, European and international level. Hereby it is of interest that DIN holds the chair of both the ISO Smart Manufacturing Coordination Committee on international level and the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Coordination Group on Smart Manufacturing on European level. Furthermore, it coordinates the Standardisation Council Industrie 4.0 as part of the Plattform Industrie 4.0, which is the largest and most diverse Industrie 4.0 network worldwide.