Asociación de Investigación de Materiales Plásticos y Conexas

Asociación de Investigación de Materiales Plásticos y Conexas (AIMP), Technological Institute of Plastics located in Valencia, is a private, non-profit Association with more than 500 associated companies created in 1990. AIMPLAS is formed by +160 highly skilled professional, more than 65% with a Masters, Engineering or equivalent degree in Chemistry, polymer engineering, materials engineering or equivalent, including 22 PhD.
AIMPLAS’ fields of work are related to technological research and development on thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials & products, its transformation processes and their recyclability and sustainability. AIMPLAS generates new knowledge and technologies that can be transferred to companies in order to help them to increase their effectiveness and competitiveness.
AIMPLAS has a broad expertise in the fields of recycling, compatibilization, reactive extrusion, biopolymers and renewable source materials, special assisted processing technologies and nanocomposites, gained during the last years in the frame of EU and national projects. Nowadays, Nowadays, AIMPLAS has participated in 100 EU projects in FP5, FP6, FP7, LIFE+, CIP-EcoInnovation, H2020, among others, coordinating more 40 of them. In H2020, AIMPLAS is participating in more than 20 projects, coordinating most of them. Outstanding LIFE projects were celebrated at the Green Awards ceremony in Brussels on 30 May 2017, BREAD4PLA – with AIMPLAS as a coordinator - was honoured as one of the two most exceptional LIFE projects of the programme's 25-year history. At National and Regional levels AIMPLAS participates in around 100 projects yearly.
AIMPLAS, as RO is focused to help companies in the plastic sector to develop new products and increase their competitiveness through innovation, has more than 20 pilot plants representing the most relevant polymer/plastics/composites production technologies present in the industry nowadays and has state-of-the art test facilities for chemical, optical, morphological, mechanical and physical characterisation. These pilot lines and laboratories are used by many customer’s every year allowing them to test new materials, optimize production processes and launch new products to the market, supported by AIMPLAS technical staff, resulting in more than 5000 assays, 170 technical assessments and 120 training actions to more than 1500 clients per year.
AIMPLAS has 9,000 m2 state-of-the-art facilities, including thermoplastics and thermoset pilot plants, analysis and testing laboratories (physical-mechanical, chemical, packaging, automotive and construction) and training areas. AIMPLAS is member of several international networks and organisations, such as ECP4, AESICOM or BIC and standardisation committees (ISO and CEN).
AIMPLAS, as RTO is focused on helping companies in the plastic sector to develop new products and increase their competitiveness.
Standardization Committees. AIMPLAS is participating in the follow committees of standardization:
National: AEN / CTN 53 / CTC032 Certification Committee for bituminous sheets AENOR; AEN / CTN 53 / GT 2 "Agricultural Film"; AEN / CTN 53 / GT1 "PVC profiles for doors, windows, blinds and fittings"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC7 "Tanks"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC 4 "Containers and Packaging"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC 4 / GT "Tote Bags"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC 4 / GT "EPS Boxes"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC 8 "Recycled Materials"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC1 "Elastomers"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC2 "Plastic pipes and fittings"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC2 GT "GLP Tubes"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC3 "Cellular materials"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC5 "Reinforced materials"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC6 "Raw material specifications and test methods": AEN / CTN 53 / SC6 / GT "Biodegradability and biobased products"; AEN / CTN 53 / SC9 "Tires out of use"; and International: CEN/TC 249/WG 7/TG 1 “Plastics - Biodegradable mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture” ̧ ISO TC61 (Plastics)/SC2: Mechanical Properties and ISO/TC 138/SC 05/WG 05 "Polyolefin pipes".